
I am seeking Drupal development contract work

Photo of Bevan Rudge working at his laptop in a full pew at a code sprint
Contributing to Drupal at DrupalCon Boston March 2008. Photo by Steve Krueger.

I am currently available for Drupal development contract work.

I am interested in contracts or projects of any width, height or length. I am especially interested in projects that (roughly in order);

  • are socially conscious
  • have other talented and experienced Drupal developers to work and grow with
  • compensate at reasonable-to-good rates

DrupalSouth Wellington NZ January 2010

DrupalSouth logo: The DrupliKiwiFruitFollowing in the success of DrupalSouth Christchurch November 2008, DrupalSouth Wellington January 2010 is in it's planning stages.

Sample Code For JQuery For Designers And Themers, DrupalCon Paris 2009

Drupal Conference ParisI was extremely pleased with my DrupalCon Paris session on jQuery for Designers and Themers. It was a great success – my best session yet.

You can see the slides at tinyurl.com/jQuery-Designers and download the sample theme code from drupal.org/project/jq4dat.

I made a couple of references to blog posts and work I've done with jQuery during the session:

CivicActions In Paris!

CivicActions Logo: EmpoweredCivicActions is in Paris, and we are running some great sessions at DrupalCon Paris 2009;

Photo of Gregory Heller smiling in a CivicActions Empowered T-shirt We won't be at the job fair this year, but please hunt us down at the conference (we'll be wearing CivicActions t-shirts) if you're looking for work or want to join a first-class international and virtual team of world-changing Drupal developers. You can also contact us through the website for more info or if you want to make sure you don't miss us.

NZ Government Loves Drupal

Screenshots of Beehive.govt.nz, Labour.org.nz, Greens.org.nz and act.org.nz with Drupalicon omnipresently in the background

The New Zealand Government loves Drupal:

Drupal Gotchya: Cache_get() Returns Expired Items

cache_get() returns $cache objects even if the cached item is stale (expired). The cached data will not be rebuilt every hour in the following example:

* Builds complicated data for the monkey grip.
function custom_monkey_grip_data() {
// Return the cached data
$cache = cache_get('custom:monkey_grip');
  if (!
$cache) {
// Some expensive processing to build the data.
$data = complicated_recursion_and_loops_on_lots_of_data();
// Cache the data and rebuild it every hour
$expire = time() + (60 * 60);
cache_set('custom:monkey_grip', $data, 'cache', $expire);
  else {
$data = $cache->data;

read more

Drupal meetup in Auckland New Zealand this Friday

Auckland's Sky Tower and city-scape illuminated in Christmas colours during December.  By Kahuroa, Courtesy of wikipedia.I'm going to be in Auckland this Friday and am meeting up with some other Drupalers to drink, dine and talk Drupal. Please see my post on groups.drupal.org for more details and to let us know if you're coming.

Drupal at Linux Conference Australasia, Wellington January 2010

Penguins Crossing; LCA Wellington 2010 logoLinux Conference Australasia (aka LCA, linux.conf.au) will be in Wellington 18-23 January 2010 – 6 and a half months from now. This presents opportunities for the NZ Drupal community to;
  1. Promote Drupal in the wider FLOSS community (which is good for business)
  2. Run a DrupalCamp/Conference; which allows attendees to combine expenses if attending LCA, and organizers to share venue, admin, financial and other resources with LCA.
  3. Just hang out and drink & talk Drupal! Or perhaps (talk) and (drink drupal)!? :)

Feriana.co.nz Drupal 6 Showcase

I recently finished Feriana.co.nz, a simple Drupal 6 site for my fiancée and her handbag business. It uses CCK, Views and Panels 2 alpha, as well as ImageField, ImageCache and Lightbox2 modules. I also wrote Image Themer and Views Themer modules, which I contributed to the Themer package and plan to abstract in to re-usable solutions in my next Drupal 6 theming project which I start this week. I will also be demonstrating these modules at the Advanced Theming Techniques session (if it gets in – Go Vote!). You browse the still-very-alpha code for these modules in Drupal's CVS repository.

Feriana.co.nz Drupal 6 Showcase site

Drupal Success; What Would Drupal Do?

Now that I have been a full-time Drupal Developer for a couple of years, and a part-time Drupal developer for a year before that, I am beginning to recognize recurring patterns and problems in Drupal projects and people's experiences with Drupal. This is a report on my experiences, and a summary of learned lessons and recommendations for those entertaining the idea of a financially-driven Drupal project.
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