
Drupal Downunder 2012 is 2 months away, Session proposals close Monday

Drupal Downunder 2012 is just 2 months away and session proposals close this Monday!

The second Drupal Downunder will be Australasia's biggest Drupal event ever, with Dries Buytaert returning for his second DrupalDownunder, and other keynotes from Dimitri Gaskin and Gian Wild.

And tonnes of other great content, tutorials and sessions by other Drupalistas from Australia, New Zealand and beyond.

Drupal+Melbourne: Lullabots, Mini-drupal-conference, DrupalCon? and more...

I just heard on the lullabot podcast #53 that lullabot is going to Melbourne to run training sessions in April 2008.

With the Drupal Mini Conf after Linux Conference Australia, and Lonely Planet launching their drupal development in Melbourne, it seems like Melbourne is shaping up to be the “Drupal Capital” of the Southern hemisphere.

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